Thursday, October 30, 2003

wow! my 1st posting on my blog... hehehe.. been so long since i write anything. very sori wrong info.. i just wrote someting for dar...a poem for his birthday... yup 2morrow is dar's bday...
hhmm...tired... never imagine being a mom will be soooo hard especially to such a cute bubbly lil girl~fathin hidayah~love her ssssssssssssssooooo much ... *heck who dont love their own child rite*
she is so adorable... shes beginning to coo... n she is sssssssssssssssoooo damn cute. she seems to understand wat ever i tell her and she asnwers back with her tiny sweet voice.. aaawwww..i'm gonna miss her wen i start work.. luckily decide to take no pay leave.. cant bear to leave her.
Just now aft buka me, dar n adik plus fathin wen to geylang. dar craving for dengdeng.. anyway since its early Ramadan "kan tak ramai org n i next week dah reservist. 2wks bulak tu. nanti habis dah end of ramadan ramai org ah. id ont wanna go anymore."
so off we went to geylang.. nothing muc lah...same thing...yr in yr out...
ok gtg...fathin woken up n needs her feeding...
be back 2morrow ya...
same time same channel

"I need to believe that men and women love each other. I need to know that they go home to each other every night, so I can believe that it will happen to me too someday." - Ally


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